Sol. Roberta Borghini

Sol. Roberta Borghini was born in Milan on 17 April 1967.

After completing Classic High School she graduated from the Sacro Cuore Catholic University in Milan with a thesis on industrial law entitled “Safeguarding privacy in labour relationships in the light of law 675/1996”, under the guidance of Prof. Mario Napoli. She has always focused on civil law, in particular tourism law with the Molfese law firm, after which industrial law with the law firm of Sol. Antonella Consonni and Sol. Bruno Guida. She has been working with Sol. Carola Ferraris since May 2004.

Since December 2004 Sol. Borghini has been publishing a weekly column “The lawyer’s opinion” in the magazine “Master Meeting; she has already published more than twenty articles dedicated to tourism law (overbooking, damage from ruined holidays, hotel operators’ responsibility, etc.) which can be quickly found in the site